What are we doing in regards to COVID-19?
In light of recent events I need to email out and let you know our store will remain OPEN.
We are following guidelines from CDC cleaning and wiping down after each customer and at the start and finish of each day. We will protect our customers and employees at all costs and if we see the need to temporarily close I will be notifying you all via social media and email. As of Monday March 23rd we plan to stay open Monday-Saturday 10-5 pm and closed Sundays.
We ask that you remain calm and we believe that we will rise above this. We are praying and going about our day to day operations. We ask that if you are sick you please stay home and continue to practice good hygiene and wash your hands frequently.
We look forward to having things back to normal very soon. In the meantime if you would like private shopping or after hours shopping please call or email us and we will be happy to accommodate you.
706. 782. 7297
Thank you for continuing to support your small local businesses. We truly appreciate your purchases. Please continue to shop local and support your local businesses.
Also, if you are quarantined to your house taking appropriate safety precautions use code Deven15 on the website treehouseonmain.com for 15% off!! We also offer gift cards which is a great way to support your local business and have money to spend later. Be safe & wash your hands!
Kelly Barnes & Treehouse Staff